Thursday, September 30, 2010

As you are going....

Mark 16:15 says "Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone." (NLT)

I was told once that the actual translation of that first word, "Go," is really "as you are going."

We're not called to keep our mouths shut until we get to our destination, we are to proclaim boldly AS WE ARE GOING.

Here are some of the things that we've been doing to share the gospel as we are in this journey that is the DTS.

We were able to go into an old folks home and paint a mural on their cafeteria wall. One of the girls in the group got a picture of the world, as God sees it. The sun, and the stars, and other celestial bodies. She felt that the picture should include the reference in John 8:12 where he says "I am the light of the world."

We were also very blessed to be able to go to a nearby village and do a 3-4 hour VBS with the children. I am constantly amazed at how open people here are to the gospel. We contacted the village and said that we wanted to come, so they invited us to just come during school hours that Friday, and instead of school we would present our program!!

We told them about who God is and how he shows his love for us through his creation.

We had a page for them to color that reminded them that God loves them.

We sang a song in their native language, Ngobera, about how Jesus is my friend. We also sang in Spanish and were able to teach some of them the English version!
It was a great chance for us to explain that God is SO big and powerful and smart that it doesn't even matter what language we talk to him in, because he understands us!

Then the kids were able to play some games. The boys made a jump rope out of an old extension cord, and we brought some twine so they could do a 3-legged race.

We all had a great time and we were glad to have been able to share this important message with them!

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